Classmate Profiles (1973)

     User has created a profile: 39
     Profile contains photos: 18
     In Memory: 18
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 18
     Military Service: 3
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Mary Ann Alexander
Zelda Diane Aman (Hanisko)
Alan Anderson    
Myra Anderson (Anderson-Lester)    
William Bartholomew   
Vernon Bartram
Carol Joy Bauer (Billingsley)    
Nicholas Carl Bek
Willis John Bickett
Walter Michael Billingsley    
Linda Lou Bogol (Cohen)    
Mike Booze   
Vicki Boss
Shirleen Brickey
Stephen Randal Brown
Linda Buchwald
Barbara Campbell
Robert Carswell
Wayne Cayton
Steve Collins
Ken Cook
Patricia Kay Cook
Michael Allen Crosby
Debbie Darby
Martin M. Davis Jr.
Carol Dawson (Ogier)   
Jim Dietz
Rhett Dobbins
Sheila Douglas (Anderson)    
Bruce Duffield
Oscar Briscoe Ellett II   
Kathy Ann Engel (Van Zant)
Cheryl Renee Erickson
Stephen R. Estes
Ken Evans
Joel Dale Farnsworth   
Ken Frank
Daniel Peter Friz
Terry Lee Galimore   
Kenneth Charles Giese
Gary Wayne Giles    
John Good
Deborah Kay Goodrich (Treybig)   
Teresa Gregory (McCoy)   
Lawrence William Greider Jr.
Monroe Francis Grossnickle
Joan Haley (Bynum)   
Vickie Halliar
Becky Hammer
Cheryl Handlong
Lesley Handlong
Vickie Handlong
Linda Sue Hardy (White)    
Perry Harold    
Helen Hart
Sheran Melanie Hatfield (Johle)   
Thomas John Heap
Thomas John Heap    
Mike Henley    
Hernan Herrera    
Sandra Jo Hilgenberg (Brenner)   
Jill Hockwald (Andrews)   
Leonard Holladay
Gary Ince
Linda Christine Jamison
Susan Louise Johnson (Booze)
David Dye Joplin   
Joann Keeling
Sarah Kersey
Bettie Kirkpatrick (Morey)    
Vincent Albert Kloster    
Tyrone Knauf
Sandie Kotora    
Mary Alice Kreisel (Kraft)
Kirk Arthur Krempel
Carolyn Lang (Masterson)
David Le Marr
Jim Ledford
John R. Leerskov
Michael Lesseg
Cheryl Renee Lewis (Erickson)   
Michael Wayne Long    
Sandra Joyce Madsen (Holladay)
Marc Masterson    
Colleen Matthews (Frank)    
Terry Paul Mattson    
Mark Mc Conathy
Doug Mc Coy    
Darrell Keith Meeker    
Melanie Esther Metzner (Bynum)   
William David Meyer    
Jean Anne Mischnick (Rollins)
Joan E. Mulley (Wooldridge)    
Carol Neff (Kusheba)
William Lowell Nelson
Alrica Nilson (Pendry)
Jeanette Marie Nordstrom
Davis Northnagel    
Kay O' Beirn (Strayer)
Gladie Osborne (Bjoraker)
Gina Oxley (Rebich)   
Pamela Page (Havir)
Howard Peeples
David Perry
Pam Peyton (Chambers)
Nora Pyle (Pettingill)   
Myrna Ray (Walden)    
Eli Rebich   
Richard Robinson
Joe Rolke
Mark Ohmer Rorem    
Doug Royer   
Gary D. Sandefur
Kathy Schlipf
Bob Scott
C. Bee Sehorn
Jim Servidio    
Melanie Sexton (Cartwright)    
Rene Shelly (Spicher)
Kendall Sims
Bonnie L. Smith (Greider)
Timothy Lee Snyder
Andrea Springfield
Randy Stidham   
Norman Terry Strayer    
Robert Strode
Robert (Bob) Sumner    
Bill Swope
Kenneth Thacker   
Becky Thatcher (Hanshaw)    
Art Thomas    
Gwen Thornton
Lynette Todd (Voth)    
Dave Treybig
Delores Upchurch
Virginia VAN Schuyver
Larry Van Zant     
Myles Walden
Donald K. Ward
Bruce Wasdin
Sharon L. Webster
Terry Wesorick
Frank Williams
Thomas H. Williams
Susan Wilson (Dick)    
Michael J. Woodruff     
Ronnie Workman (Gray)

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