Classmate Profiles (1971)

     User has created a profile: 43
     Profile contains photos: 27
     In Memory: 27
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 23
     Military Service: 4
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John Albright   
Bruce Anderson    
Barry Atkins    
Darlene Baily (Porter)
Patricia Barnes    
Ollie (Oliver K. ) Batte     
Bill Bauer   
Linda Boone (Brown)    
Bob (Robert) Boraker
Bob Boyce
Lloyd Briggie
Carole Ann Bronkar (Heath)    
Jacqueline (Jackie) Brown   
Larry Brown
Marjorie Brown (White)    
George Bryan   
Doug Burns
Helen Rose Butler (Mc Dowell)    
Linda Kay Cartwright
Pat Cartwright (Dobson)
Carol Childs (Szymkowiak)
Lois Clutter (Haeffele)
Jan Jay Collum    
Jay Collum    
Roberta Cordell
Charlie Crain
Judy Crain (Love)   
Lynne Crouse (Leach)
Sandra Curphey (Greene)  
Joe Curry
Ray Dick    
Joe E Dobson
Byron Duke    
Donna Eddy (Butler)
Glen Eichelberger   
Daniel T. Erickson
Dan Erikson    
Penny Farrow (Daniels)    
Chip Fox (Fox)   
Mickey Fred   
Zara Ghourdjian (Travis)    
Zoe Ann Ghourdjian    
Cecil Green
Lockietta Greene
Betsy B. Guy (Orr)
Scott Hammer
Toni Hammer (Cox)    
Marvin Harmdierks   
Phyllis Havens (Duke)   
Alan Heath    
Linda Helms
Bob Heun
Clarke Hockwald    
Beverly Holden (Russell)    
Eddie Holdren     
Randolpf Houg
Elaine Houghtaling (Hockwald)
Sharon Huggins (Graham)    
Linda Isom (Cartwright)
Suzanne Jamison
Eric Johnson    
Terry Johnson    
Valorie Johnson (Abel)   
Mark Kaplan
Jeff Karlson   
Dean Keffler
Tom Kelly    
Neal Kinsey
Al Knauf
Michael Kusheba    
Tom Lapacka    
Jaque Larose
Frank Ledford     
Everett Long
Bill Madden
Sherrie Malette
Linda Martin (Kaplan)
Elinda Martz (Batte)
Jeanette Mauch (Kelly)    
Linda Mauck
Bill L. Mc Dowell    
Irene Mc Kown
Henry A Merrill Jr
Edward Metz
Craig Miller
Don Miller     
Donna Miller (Briggs)    
Jo Ann Miller (Miller)
Brenda Morrison (Cheney)    
Dan (Daniel C. ) Newell
Teresa Newell (Coston)
Bob Omland
Bonnie Pace (Brooks)   
Tom Pittman   
Darlene Porter
Vivian Potratz (Rothe)    
Shari M. Potter (Arnold)
Charles Purintun
Beverly Rabbitt (Voth)    
Gwen Ray (Ray)   
Eric Reid
Julie Robinson   
Sandra Robinson
Terrance Roth
John Sash    
Mark Schlitt   
Thomas R. Schlitt
Susan Scott (Smith)    
Paul Shemet   
Carolyn Smith (Smith-Kizer)    
Eugene Smith
Carol Sollars (Walls)
Micki Sowder (Elliott)   
Tom (Thomas V. ) Spencer
Phillip Steele
Sharon Taylor (Duke)
Mary Thomas (Doyle)    
Terry Thompsen    
James E. Turner    
Ruth H. VAN Buren    
Ron Voth    
Don Walls   
Ella Mae WALTERs (Collum)    
Susan Welch (Earle)
Cheryl White
Janet Wilson (Thomas)    
Ginger Wiziarde (Christeson)   
Nancy Wood    
Jeanette (Coeta) WOODBUR…    
Richard (Dick) Wren
Laura Wright (Reimann)   
Sandra Wright

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